63, No. 5
Jinzo FUKAI and Yoshio TAGAMI
An environmental study of fluctuations in the size of the fishing catch
and the fishing population of the port of Himi in Etchu Province during
the Tempo Famines (1834-1836)
Changes in the natural environment can produce famines which threaten
the lives of urban populations which are not self-sufficient in food
production. This paper examines the relation between fluctuations in
the size of fishing catches and the political action taken by urban
fishing populations during the Tempo Famines as a case study in environmental
First the paper determines
the climatic trends and sizes of fishing catches in the port of Himi
during the Tempo era (1830-1844), and establishes the correlation between
the two. It was found that the size of the two main catches of the port
of Himi, that is yellow-tail and sardines, fluctuated alternately with
each other during the 1830s. From 1837, it was also found that although
summers were cool and winters were abnormally cold, autumn (the fishing
season for yellow-tail) was warm, resulting in large catches of yellow-tail.
On the other hand, the fishing season for sardines was winter, and the
cold winters resulted in poor catches of sardines. Furthermore, there
was no year during the Tempo Famines when a large catch was recorded
for both yellow-tail and sardines, and this led to a fall in the incomes
of fishing families. At the same time, the crop failures of the period
resulted in high rice prices, which further lowered the purchasing power
of fishing families. This situation resulted in fishing families having
to resort to mendicancy for a living, and was also the reason behind
a number of disturbances which occurred in this period.
Further, this paper shows
that the participants in disturbances in the port of Himi were fishing
people. The fishing people participating in such disturbances organized
themselves in groups according to their place of residence, and did
not extend their organization networks to include farming families.
Man-Han SIU
Foreign investment and the raising of capital in Shanghai in late imperial
China, with special reference to the process leading to the rubber shares
crisis of 1910
This article is an attempt to interpret the process which led to the
rubber shares crisis of 1910, the most serious financial crisis in Shanghai
since it had become a treaty port in 1842, by examining foreign investment
and the raising of capital in the city.
After the Sino-Japanese War
of 1894-1895, the amount of foreign investment in China increased greatly,
and half of it went to Shanghai. With most countries moving towards
the international gold standard, however, the value of silver against
gold fell continuously, discouraging long-term investment in countries
which had adopted the silver standard, such as China. The only way to
evade exchange losses was to raise capital locally by borrowing from
banks or issuing shares and debentures. For the foreign companies listed
on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the issue of shares was the more important
way of raising funds.
The first section of the
article contains a comprehensive picture of the companies listed on
the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The second section examines the role played
by institutions closely involved with the stock market and the characteristics
of the investors. As the capital market developed, it became easier
to raise capital, but speculative activities also increased. This is
well illustrated by the rubber crisis of 1910, which is discussed in
the third section. In conclusion, it can be said that because it was
managed by foreigners, the stock market in Shanghai was linked closely
with the world and was strongly influenced by changes in the world market.
Kinship and inheritance in sixteenth and seventeenth century Willingham
This paper investigates
kinship structure and inheritance customs in Willingham, a parish on
the edge of the Fens. This parish experienced extensive immigration
in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The development of common
land use and the fragmentation of land holdings in a relatively short
period affected kinship structure and inheritance customs. Furthermore,
while the numbers of immigrants and emigrants increased, family size
decreased. Simultaneously, collaboration between kinsfolk occurred,
transcending differences in size of land-holding and/or social status.
The latter was based on responsibility for family maintenance and influenced
generation succession. In this perspective inheritance customs changed
Nearly half of the testators
do not fit the common image; that is they consist of fathers with underaged
children and testators without heirs, mainly bachelors. There is also
a difference in the content of wills between those belonging to the
second half of the sixteenth century and those written later. Whereas
the age of inheritance varied in the former period, in the seventeenth
century the age was commonly twenty-one years, the original age for
the upper class. Furthermore, in the latter half of the sixteenth century
there were many references to three degrees, especially in the wills
of testators with underaged children. In the seventeenth century, however,
references decreased to just two degrees. These illustrate how inheritance
customs, through the process of documentation, gradually became formalised
and detached from real life. At this particular time we find an increasing
number of references to unborn children as benefactors. This symbolises
the hopes of Willingham inhabitants for family maintenance. Thus, formal
inheritance customs and informal bequests, which were originally quite
different, overlapped in the sixteenth century, but became detached
again in the seventeenth. In the early modern period, critical changes
in local economic life seem to have taken place more rapidly than is
generally believed.
Michifumi ISODA
The marriage system of samurai society: the case of Okayama domain,
This article is a statistical analysis of the marriage system of early
modern Japanese samurai society. Research into marital behavior in Okayama
han (domain) produces the following picture:
(1) It is obvious that samurai
selected their wives from extremely narrow social circles. They seldom
married above or beneath their status. In fact, in 90% of samurai marriages,
the income gap between the husband's and wife's families did not exceed
(2) Samurai usually married
the daughters or sisters of samurai of the same status and domain. But
samurai who belonged to small domains occasionally asked for wives from
elsewhere. In the case of Okayama han, samurai had marital networks
among neighboring domain settlements on a radius of 60 km from Okayama.
(3) Upper-class samurai,
who rode horses, seldom married rural farmers or urban merchants, But
such marriages were seen among the lowest class of samurai, foot soldiers.