64, No. 1
Regional industrialization and its institutional and political implications
The purpose of the
symposium was to inquire into the necessary conditions for the growth
of industrialization in Europe, China and Japan. The main point to be
discussed was the institutional and political implications of regional
industrialization. Although industrialization started in England, it
must be viewed as a dynamic process within a European context. The 'Chinese
Empire' and the European 'States System' had a quite different effect
on industrialization.
First, for the development
of industrialization, the states system provided favourable conditions,
while the empire provided adverse ones. The princes in Europe competed
for ascendancy with each other and tended to provide favourable conditions
for their subjects in order to increase the revenue for strengthening
their military forces. Since the Chinese Emperor, lacking internal and
external competitors, used both military forces and the cultural means
for government, he did not have to concede to merchants or financiers
to obtain revenue. He was thus incapable of providing such infrastructures
as decent credit arrangement for the peasantry, and a judicial system
to secure property rights and enforce the observance of contracts.
Secondly, under the distinct
state power patterns, different credit systems developed. In China or
in other areas outside Europe, the credit networks were formed among
big merchants and financiers, but were scarcely developed among the
commoners such as peasants and small craftsmen. In Europe, especially
England in the eighteenth century, there was a mature credit system
which made it possible for commoners to tie up capital in machines or
mills, without collection over a certain period; investment of fixed
capital was essential for industrialization. Individuals of various
social status, including lesser merchants and manufacturers, drew and
received inland bills of exchange. There was no real guarantee or formal
process, however, that regulated the mechanism of credit in this period.
Thirdly, voluntary associations
made amends for the unstable credit system. These were clubs which performed
social functions as protection against adversity and had an elaborate
system of reciprocal obligation. As members of the associations gained
confidence, they could get short term loans, were allowed to postpone
repayments and could find customers in the association.
The rise and development of the transborder industrial regions in Western
Europe up to 1914: a case study of the Twente-Westmunsterland cotton
industry and the iron and coal industry of Saar-Lor-Lux
From the beginning of the nineteenth century, several transborder regions
developed along the national borders of the two great Western European
powers of Germany and France, but also along the borders of nations
such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, which
were small in size but of importance to the European economy. These
regions played significant roles in the industrialization process and
later in assisting technological transfer and in the movement of entrepreneurs,
capital and labour.
The object of this article
is to clarify the rise and development of such transborder industrial
regions by way of two examples: the cotton industry of Twente-Westmunsterland,
and the iron- and steel-manufacturing and coal-mining industry of Saar-Lor-Lux.
In the former case, it was
the cotton industry of Twente on the Dutch borders which first grew
as a result of help from the state in order to supply colonial markets.
But during the latter half of the nineteenth century, remarkable growth
in the neighbouring markets of Germany encouraged the entry of Dutch
entrepreneurs into the Westmunsterland, especially into Gronau. By the
eve of the First World War, this district had developed into one of
the five major cotton industrial regions in Germany.
In the Saar-Lor-Lux region
too, diversified transborder industrial activities meant that the French,
Belgian and German sides were closely linked up to 1871. After this
it became more difficult for enterprises from either France or Germany
to become active beyond their respective borders, but enterprises from
neutral Belgium were still able to advance freely. Moreover, interdependence
on raw materials such as iron ore and coke meant that economic inter-relationships
did not entirely disappear.
The early phases of regional industrialization in the Berlin economic
area, from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth
"German Industrialization" had already begun in several regions before
the creation of the unified Second Empire in 1871. In each region, the
process was characterized by a combination of specific production factors
and by a particular infrastructure. Although German "Partikularismus"
is often thought to have acted as a serious obstacle to industrialization,
from the middle of the nineteenth century it had a powerful influence
on regional industrialization in such fields as railway building, locomotive
manufacturing and technical education as a result of competition between
different states.
This paper describes the
pattern of regional industrialization in the Berlin-Brandenburg economic
area, from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth.
In the first half of the paper, five funda-mental initial conditions
for the start of industrialization are identified, along with additional
conditions that were created by the early industriali-zation in this
region. Further, in view of the scarcity of production data during this
period, the overall speed of industrialization and the unbalanced growth
of the various industries are estimated using statistical data with
regard to the overall population and industrial employees.
In the second half of the
paper, the process of early industrialization in this region is divided
into two phases. The first period, from 1800 until 1837, is characterized
by weak and retarded industrialization, while the second, from 1837
to 1849, is characterized by powerful and accelerating development.
The prime reasons for this acceleration were the establishment of the
Zollverein (Customs Union) and the start and rapid extension of the
railway system in the Zollverein states. However, not all branches of
industry enjoyed the same acceleration of growth. While the wider integrated
market area and the railway network performed a kind of common defensive
function against the area outside, industries within the Zollverein
were exposed to severe competition over price and quality. Thus, through
accelerated industrialization in the wider market, the old industries
were replaced by new ones. For example, in Berlin, the textile industry,
which had been dominant until the 1830s, declined, but newcomers, especially
machine engineering and the ready-made clothing industry (Konfektion),
became leading sectors of industry.
Regional industrialization in the Habsburg empire in the early nineteenth
century: a case study of the development of the cotton industry
The industrialization of the Habsburg empire is characterized by its
regional nature. In this article, I try to identify the special features
of industrialization in Bohemia, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg through
analyzing the development of the cotton industry in each region. In
all three areas, the cotton industry was located in border zones, but
differences appeared during the course of development.
In Bohemia, the proto-industrialization
which began in the eighteenth century prepared the way for the mechanization
of the cotton industry. As a result, high-quality Bohemian cotton goods
were able to dominate the market. The growth of cotton manufacturing
also stimulated the related industries of iron, coal and machinery industries.
In the late nineteenth century, Bohemia became the most important industrial
region in the Habsburg empire.
In Lower Austria, the investment
activities of the nobility, and of Viennese and foreign merchants, played
an important role. As early as the beginning of the nineteenth century,
their lavish funding made it possible to establish a large-scale mechanical
cotton-spinning factory. However, the cotton industry in this area began
to decline in the latter half of the century because of delays in mechanization
and the relatively poor quality of the cotton produced.
In Vorarlberg, the influence
of the cotton industry in neighboring Switzerland played an important
role in supplying capital, machinery, and expertise. The production
capacity of the area was relatively small, but the quality was so good
that it was very competitive on the domestic market, especially in Northern
Italy. The industrial development of Vorarlberg was based on its cross-border
economic relationship with Switzerland.
Investment activities in regional Japanese industrialization: the activities
of men of property in local areas
The movement to establish modern enterprises in Meiji Japan was found
in rural as well as urban areas. This was made financially possible
through the willingness of men of property based in rural areas to invest
their capital in such risky ventures. The purpose of this paper is to
point out that the motivation behind these activities was linked to
the existence of "local society".
First, about 250 major stockholders
in Niigata prefecture were classified into four groups according to
the nature of their stockholdings in 1901. This demonstrated that a
significant number of men of property had invested their money in the
high risk stocks of local enterprises. Next, case studies were made
of two local entrepreneur families, the HAMAGUCHI and the SEKIGUCHI.
Both families invested the capital accumulated through their family
business of soy sauce brewing in new enterprises and businesses in their
local area in the 1890s. In parallel with these business activities,
they vigorously participated in local social and political activities.
These case studies showed us that their investment activities were closely
related to their social and political activities. As these activities
were so interlocked in the local areas, we conclude that the existence
of "local society", which recent historical studies show to have emerged
in the latter half of the nineteenth century, encouraged men of property
to invest in local enterprises.
"Local society as the spur
to enterprise investment" is our contribution to the main theme of this
Akinobu KURODA
Traditional markets and institutions: a comparison of China, India,
and Western Europe
Traditional markets can be classified into four groups, according to
how they preserve local liquidity. The first group maintains liquidity
through creating a local currency. Traditional China is a typical case.
In market towns in rural districts, cash notes issued by local merchants
circulated without any official permission.
The second group maintains
liquidity through the frequent use of credit transactions. In medieval
Western Europe, local market towns formed legal communities to make
debtors settle their obligations. In the case of Colchester, some burgers
used credit even in transactions of less than one shilling. Credit transactions
made it possible to detach local liquidity from the movement of silver
coins among feudal lords and cities.
While the second group created
what is called inside money within their communities, the first group
developed a local supply of outside money. The ample supply of local
currency gave peasants of the first group easy access to local markets.
Traditional India belongs
to the third group, which is a mixture of groups one and two. In Mughal
India, the movement of silver coins among landlords and financiers coexisted
with the circulation of small denomination currencies such as cowries
or iron coins in local markets.
The fourth group is a combination
of convertible money and barter transactions, as is found in early modern
Poland, or in modern Bolivia. Nobles, landowners and big merchants accumulate
silver and gold coins that are valid for foreign trade, while peasants
barter for daily necessities without any need to use money.
As a rule, if peasants use
the local market frequently, the market is more likely to develop an
autonomous system of liquidity of its own accord. This was the case
in China. However, the case of China also shows that a free market economy
does not always lead to industrialization. In fact, it seems clear that
in both Western Europe and Japan, limitations on the use of money, combined
with the availability of loans within the local community, laid the
basis for the accumulation of funds for local industrialization.