80, No. 1 |
Subject |
Subtitle |
Writer |
Page |
A few cases where political history and economic history interact |
Shinichi KITAOKA |
5 |
Article |
Employer attitudes toward the Immigration Act of 1924: an analysis of the NICB’s national immigration conference |
15 |
Article |
Wartime unemployment relief in the “Social City”: a case study of Hamburg during World War I |
Takahito MORI |
37 |
Research Note |
The Baltic trade of Hull in the second half of the sixteenth and the first half of the seventeenth centuries: a European perspective |
Takao OSANAI |
59 |
Research Note |
Birth and death of slaves in the heyday of Jamaican sugar plantations: a case study of six estates belonging to “John Tharp of Good Hope” |
Hideaki ITO |
73 |